Saturday, December 5, 2009

What do you think about the makeup / hair guru's on youtube?

So, i've been watching all the makeup guru's on youtube for quite sometime now. Like; juicystar07,peacelovepink04,allthatglitt…

What do you think about them?

Do you think a 14 year old girl could be a makeup guru on youtube?

I love makeup %26amp; have done people's makeup all the time. %26amp; i get great cmnts.(:

What do you think about me becoming a guru on youtube?What do you think about the makeup / hair guru's on youtube?
I love watching the makeup videos on youtube! And I think they a fourteen year old could definitely be a makeup guru on youtube. When Blair (juicystar07) started her makeup videos she was only 15 and that's only a year older than you. And I like her videos the best because she is closer to my age than the others. If you are good at makeup and hair, then you should go for it. If you become a youtube partner, I think you get paid as well (I'm not sure tho so you should check about that).What do you think about the makeup / hair guru's on youtube?
I would be a makeup guru but unfortunately, I don't have a camera :D

I think makeup gurus are great, without them, I wouldn't know how to apply makeup.

of course, a fourteen year old could be a guru just at least your not younger than 13.

I hate seeing little girls on youtube trying show people how to apply eyeshadow- in the wrong way!
i love makeup and hair gurus on youtube. they have been such a big help in my learning experience, well your only 14. but then again some kids just have a talent with these sorts of things(: if you want to try it then go ahead! but im warning you ahead of time, not all of the comments will be good ones.…
I love the makeup gurus on youtube!

I am thinking about becoming one and I'm 15. I find myself acting like Im doing a tutorial while Im doing my makeup. hahaha

sooo if you ever get on youtube, we should definetly help each other out


good luck!
Ya .....if they can do really good makeup.

you should totally go for it !!

Please help me:;…
ALL the gurus you just named, I LOVE watching!

You should definiteley be a makeup guru on youtube. Show your talent to the world!
some gurus r good and some aren't very good. it all depends. but totally if u want to become a makeup guru then go for it.

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